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To schedule a blood draw with one of our dedicated staff and to see how we can provide help to you or your loved ones, please contact us!
15 min
20 US dollars1 hr
300 US dollars1 hr
800 US dollars35 min
50 US dollars1 hr
65 US dollars
Mobile Phlebotomy Services
Orders / Insurance Billing
Please provide doctor orders prior to collection, in order for the lab to bill your insurance. Orders may be faxed or emailed, but must be received prior to appointment time. Standing orders are accommodated at a low, contract rate.
Gifted Hands Phlebotomy, LLC comes to you for your collection service. Immediately after, specimens are delivered to the local or preferred laboratory for testing.
Your doctor will receive the lab results within 24- 48 hours of the collection. Stat collection is available, for an additional fee.
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